Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Poem about Inspiration and Bgirl Shorty Rough Draft

A hardcore breakdancer that is five foot two,
is part of the best all female dance crew.
Always with such a chill attitude,
but in a battle she will beat any dude..
She has also influenced people in so many ways
and it seems like she could headspin for days.
There is so much about her that makes her Bucc
anyone who gets to meet her has all the luck.
The coolest thing is that she is so close to the same age
which makes me feel like i could just turn a page
and I can learn to become a dancer.
Meeting her and the Beat Freaks was my answer,
that message to freak my dream was clear as day,
And has started to mold me like clay.
I have started to dance as a hobby
but its almost like I'm in the lobby.
However I'm motivated to get to the top,
And I'm not willing to ever stop.
Bgirl Shorty has been such an inspiration,
For many people around the nation.
With her orange hair she is like a rockstar,
Yet she isn't even old enough to drink in a bar.
There is so much about her that is so cool,
And ninjas and pandas will always rule.
Skittles are her favorite candy,
And she was on ABDC produced by Randy.
Her birthday,October 21st makes her a libra,
And she wears Abbey Dawn with stripes like a zebra.
She is supported by all the people on Ning.
Because her personality is the real thing.
She uses twitter everyday.
Over 3,000 people follow her to see what she has to say.
She and the Beat Freaks inspire me to just be me,
Which helps me to finally truly be.
I am so thankful for that foundation.
Which has brought about less frustration.
For now I have accomplished my dream to write.
However dancing will have to wait for another night.
But it is not what it seems.
It just takes time to follow your dreams.
Time is just a setback to completing a goal,
But deep down dancing is within the soul.
So maybe it will have to wait,
Until a time when it is not so late.
In the end I will write poetry and dance,
For now I cannot yet advance...
But thanks to the Beat Freaks, my inspiration,
I will be able to reach my destination.
Because there is nothing that I can't do,
All I can do now is follow through.

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